How E-Learning Product Development becomes the best in Crisis


The COVID-19 keeps altering the way we live, learn, and work. Almost every sphere of our lives has been in some way affected by the COVID-19. One area in which this effect has been profound and far-flung is the education sector. This deadly virus has led to the closing of schools and colleges all around the world. In turn, this has prompted most professors, teachers, and students to use technology in the way they learn. In this time of crisis, E-Learning web development companies such as Xornor Technologies have come as true heroes. Here’s a look at how E-Learning product development companies around the world are becoming man’s best friends during this time of crisis.

Pushing Boundaries in Education

Such challenging times have made thousands of professors, teachers, and students venture into the academic cyberspace for their very first time. E-Learning product development companies are allowing this to happen, by making their platforms more user-friendly. Such a mass exodus of people into online learning and management systems will alter the education landscape for the years to come. The resistance against online education and ed-tech is slowly fading as more and more teachers and students switch to this stream. Hence, in many ways, this crisis will serve as a Black Swan moment, which will be a catalyst for online education in India, and abroad. With hundreds of colleges shutting down classes and opting for virtual classrooms and settings, this crisis has led to the adoption and experimentation of various forms of technology-enabled learning. 

Stepping Up During Crisis

A significant problem that many such campus units face is a lack of supporting staff with enough technical expertise to run these courses. However, educational professionals, virtual classroom instructional designers, and other such staff are rising to the occasion. These professionals, by leveraging their expertise, is enabling students to learn irrespective of the issues caused by the pandemic. Hence, this victory for online education will pave the way for the development of even higher-quality online education. 

How E-Learning Product Development is Helping

  1. Creation and execution of online education plans which facilitate remote teaching/learning 
  2. Provides guidance for faculty and other support staff to help them provide high-quality education to students
  3. Helping faculty translate their expertise into sustainable teaching methodologies
  4. Providing course templates and web-enhanced courses which help students learn more effectively
  5. Coming out with curated tools which help with creating engaging classes and virtual classrooms
  6. Assisting the faculty in supporting their students in creative, engaging and flexible ways
  7. Encouraging both students and teachers to share their feedback regarding their learning and teaching experiences to improve their practices
  8. Help institutions evaluate their existing remote teaching strategies to strengthen their contingency plans 
  9. Encourage more educational institutions to invest in online education as a fail-safe, and later primary choices

Long-term opportunities for Online Education

It isn’t just a health crisis such as the COVID-19 that can highlight the importance of online education. Here’s a look at a few instances that showcase just how influential and useful ed-tech can be.

  • In case too many unexpected enrollments occur, leading to a lack of facilities
  • Students miss on-campus lessons due to unavoidable reasons
  • Adverse weather phenomenon stops traditional education
  • Work priorities affect adult learners
  • Health issues with faculty members
  • Need for highly specialized training
  • Individual courses that students require immediately
  • Immediate class to graduate, take up an internship or earn extra credits
  • Overbooked classes and courses
  • Under booked classes which have a lot of very interested students
  • Global health pandemic, as is the case now

Life After COVID-19

More and more students will be comfortable with learning things online, as they did so in the last two months. Teachers who previously hated teaching online would have mastered the art of teaching via ed-tech capacities. The world will no longer face problems with education during social distancing and geographical barriers. Most of the world’s schools and colleges will have updated their ed-tech and online learning capabilities. In the US, most K-12 schools already have specific protocols regarding online education and emergency teaching.

This pandemic will ensure that most of the world’s schools and colleges also take up such an approach. In many ways, this pandemic will help the online learning industry to capitalize, grow, evolve, and adapt to changing times. If there’s anything the COVID-19 has taught us, it is that this definitely will not be the last crisis we will have to face.

The biggest enemies of an emergency are indecision, lack of preparedness, and complacency. The COVID-19, which has prompted thousands to view online learning as a sustainable option, will help make us better prepared for the future. This crisis, much like Ebola, SARS, wildfires, tsunamis, and hurricanes has proved that online education development will remain the savior when bad times hit. The COVID-19 has shown how in times of crisis, learning is not just essential, but vital, and that e-learning development is how the world will learn.

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