Almost all your favorite brands have an online presence and regularly post updates online. Today’s commerce revolves around the internet and is as digital as it is real. Therefore, in order to stay ahead of your competition, you need to...

The last year saw the occurrence of various upheavals and updates in the field of web development. One crucial area which went through some major changes was the language of PHP, widely considered the most useful web-scripting language out there....

Due to the rising number of mobile phone users, having a mobile-friendly WordPress site is now a necessity. Therefore, WordPress development companies in India and around the world are working towards making this possible. No matter how common a mobile-friendly...

WordPress no longer runs just blogs. This open-source content management system has taken over the world, and now powers the websites of some of the biggest companies around the globe. Not only does it do so, but it also enables...

Go out, and you will see 90% of people (excluding the kids under 13) own a smartphone. And this is not because they get to make calls on the go, but only because the smartphones provide them with various facilities...

Twitter, the microblogging website, is one of the most popular social media platforms, which is above the ‘fake news’ and is always up with good and informative stuff. Most of the businesses use this very platform as one of their...

The best thing about the online classes and the e-Learning platforms is that these can be accessed from anywhere and a person can independently use them. The study material, as well as the teachers, are online available and accessible. The...

Smartphones have become an inseparable part of our daily life. And there is no denial in the fact that these are one of the biggest problem solvers too. Thanks to the mobile-friendliness of the websites and the emergence of various...

Today, having an eCommerce website is a bonus for every business. Most of the people are moving to online business, as it helps the business owners to reach more customers, and customers also find ordering things online way easier than...

It is quite normal to get stuck with errors while working with codes and programming languages. Whether it is a syntax error or an error from the server side, you will get to see them quite often during the process...